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Tusket Falls

Nova Scotia Power Inc.
Renewable Resources
Project Management
Field Services
Electrical Engineering Studies
Project Title: 
Tusket Falls Generating Station – Unit Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and Balance of Plant Controls Upgrade Project
Services We Provided: 
- Electrical Engineering Studies
- Design and Specifications
- Field Services
- Project Management
Project Description

Project involves the site investigation, design, field testing and commissioning of materials and equipment for the integration of new generator protection, control, excitation and RTU panels, field breaker panels and remote marshalling boxes.

Scope of Work

The specific scope of the project includes the following elements:

  • Preparation of cable schedules to identify new and existing field cables that will be required to be installed to interface existing electrical equipment and the new protection and control panels.
  • Preparation of termination/wiring diagrams for new and existing field cables.
  • Determination of new field cables method of routing (existing cable tray or conduit).
  • Preparation of new marshalling box drawings for each Unit. The marshalling box drawings identified existing field cables to be relocated from existing control panels and provide termination details for new field cables to connect existing unit instruments to the new control panels.
  • Preparation of new field breaker panel drawings for each Unit. The drawings identified the existing field cables to be relocated from the existing control panels and provided termination details for new field cables to connect the existing field equipment to the new control panels.
  • Provision of engineering assistance during demolition of the existing panels and installation of new equipment and panels.
  • Assistance during the testing and commissioning of new protection and control systems.
Pictures of the Project
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